Translation by Solomon "Yehoyesh" (Yehoash) Blumgarten (1870-1927) as published in /Torah, Neviʼim, u-Khetuvim/ (New York: Yehoʼash Farlag Gezelshaft, 1941), and available from the Internet Archive . This work resides in the Public Domain.

Transcribed by Itsik "Robert" Goldenberg, et al, by the Yehoyesh Project (1998-2006) under the direction of Leonard Prager (1925-2008). This transcription does not include Yehoyesh's footnotes. Yiddish orthography follows /Takones Fun Yidishn oysleyg/ (6th ed., New York: YIVO, 1999).

Distributed by the Open Siddur Project in accord with STML transcription rules under a Creative Commons Zero Public Domain dedication. The Open Siddur Project thanks Itsik Goldenberg and the Prager family for their support in releasing this edition of the Yehoyesh Project's transcription of Yehoyesh's Yiddish translation of the Tanakh. Special thanks to Raphael "Refoyl" Finkel for his help and utilities in preparing this text.

Frequency algorithms developed by Maxim Romanov and implemented by Stella Dee, with thanks to Max Edwards and the Boston Workmen's Circle, the Perseus Digital Library, and the Open Philology Project.

The script used to generate this (in-progress) demo is here.

Also feel free to check out the verse frequency data for the entire Yiddish Tanakh (CSV) and the word counts and frequency for the entire Yiddish Tanakh (CSV). The script for the Tanakh is here.

זיבן גראָזן פֿון די גראָזן װעלן זי פֿאַרשטיין